Archive | August 2014

Ceangal on the Canal

On Saturday 23rd August, the Caledonian Canal held an open day in Inverness.  One of the Ceangal 2013 artists, Nicola Gear lives on a barge there, from which she also hosts residencies and various events, and she invited me to bring along some residency information, which I gladly did!  The sun shone and many people passed through the doors, pretty much non-stop for the whole day which was great.  We also had a surprise visitor in the shape of Rudi Domidian Hundefaenger, a german artist who I met in India who also has connections with many residencies and artists around the globe.  We talked, ate cake and ice cream and I even ended up in a skiff rowing race – all in all it was a grand day out.  More connections made!